Milele Agro-processing

Our commitment to sustainability and community is integrated into every part of our operation.

About Milele Agro

About us

Milele Agro-processing is an agricultural processing company with offices & warehouses based in Johannesburg, South Africa and Lilongwe, Malawi. The firm is fully female & black owned.

A highly qualified team and a strong network of experts support the promoters of the businesses to create value for stakeholders.

We provide a turnkey solution for harvested produce by processing to ready to eat and hence “Farm to Fork”, the core focus for Milele Agro-processing is to create value for our stakeholders i.e. SME , contract farmers sustainably by bring the market to resources.

We have extensive experience in working with agri-business players across the value chain and have developed rich experience in tackling various issues facing the industry currently. Our expertise in tackling issues related to growth strategies, sustainability and operational efficiency has made us suitably positioned to deliver tangible value to our clients in dealing with cost pressures, partnering, sourcing and delivery capabilities & improving Food & Agribusinesses. 

With unrivalled commitment to quality we are customer focused in the delivery of services to our clients including wholesalers, retailers and food service. The quality of our products is reflected in the quality of our distribution and after sales service. It is just as important to us that our product reach our customers in good condition and in a timely manner.

Our Vision 

To be a catalyst for sustainable growth in Africa’s food & agribusiness sector. Building businesses and delivering enviable returns while mindful of impacts on people and the environment – food and agribusiness investment with purpose.

Our Mission  

Our mission of "Feeding Humanity, Sustaining Livelihoods" is to support small to medium scale farmers with business facilitation and local value chain development whilst at the same time ensuring household food sufficiency. 

Our Core Values 

We conduct our business with integrity having established strong and firm relationships with renowned suppliers and having a distinct commitment to providing only the finest goods & brands. 

Community Development

Our commitment to sustainability and community is integrated into every part of our operations

Local Community Development 

We engage in contract farming with small to medium scale farmers for the purposes of expansion of the markets, the promotion of agricultural commodities as a means of raising income, as well as being an alternative method for solving agriculture problems for households. 

Targeted Achievements 

Through supporting community projects, we seek to achieve the following objectives:

• Increase agricultural production for small to medium scale farmers  

• Increase production and consumption of a wide variety of foods

• Capacity building small to medium scale farmers with business facilitation and local value chain development skills

• Agro-processing and value addition of products

Our goal in supporting community projects, particularly smallholder farmers aligns with the following United Nations Zero Hunger Challenge (ZHC) campaign goals of ending hunger.

• 100% access to adequate food all year round 

• All food systems are sustainable

• 100% increase in smallholder productivity and income

We view the community and our suppliers as key stakeholders to any investment and our objective in this regard is to empower these respective stakeholders from an educational, economic and social welfare perspective.

Through various partnerships with organisations in South Africa & Malawi . We have initiated projects that aim to invest in ventures that directly contribute to the empowerment of communities and the areas they live in.

Our expertise in tackling issues related to growth strategies, sustainability and operational efficiency has made us suitably positioned to deliver tangible value to our clients in dealing with cost pressures, partnering, sourcing and delivery capabilities & improving Food & Agribusinesses.  

 Our Founder and Managing Director

Mrs. Gloria Phekani

Gloria Phekani

Managing Director

Over 25 years of field experience in projects management specializing in field crops and has proven track record working in over three continents.

+27 (0) 84 492 4339  or  +265 994 183 164

Milele Agro Processing

Unit MF 17,
Robertville Industrial Park
254 Nadine Street
Robertville, Maraisburg,

Phone: +27 (0) 84 492 4339 


Warehouse Block C
Plot No.: 28/27
Ngona/Chatata Ward
Kanengo Industrial Area,
Lilongwe, Malawi

Phone: +265 994 18 31 64